Living with Wairua (in this modern world)
Te Hopo Rehe
Te Hopo is a Traditional Māori Healer from New Zealand who whakapapa to the oldest peoples of Te Waipounamu/South Island of New Zealand using honohono/energy healing thru several modalities:
- Taoka Pūoro/māori sound
- Kōrero a wairua/psychic counselling
- Mahi Atua/channelling spiritual beings
- Karakia/incantations
With knowledge from the unbroken Waitaha line, Te Hopo will unpack the metaphoric pictures within Māori Spiritual Knowledge to reveal the hidden meanings. Together we will revisit well-known concepts within Te Ao Māori such as Io, Atua, Wairua, Mana, etc. to examine the deeper meanings by using the codes in the kupu/words to lock the knowledge and accessing the power within.
This Wānaka will show deeper meanings of Te Ao Wairua Māori. It will illustrate and align them with the new age spiritual perspective and help you to incorporate this understanding, so helping you to live in a more spiritually harmonious way.